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USBC Completes Investigation of Possible Ball Tampering

bowling pin The United States Bowling Congress (USBC)
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The United States Bowling Congress (USBC) has finished an investigation into allegations that athletes from Webber International University were tampering with bowling balls. The athletes admitted to experimenting with altering USBC-approved bowling balls, but they denied using these modified balls in any official competitions.

Even though there was no direct evidence that these tampered balls were used in USBC Collegiate competitions, USBC decided to play it safe. They asked Webber International to send all the urethane bowling balls used in competitions this season for testing in their lab. After careful analysis, USBC found no signs of tampering in any of the balls that were submitted for testing.

USBC also tested the balls Webber International plans to use for the 2025 USBC Collegiate postseason and confirmed that they meet the required hardness specifications. This means there are no concerns about the integrity of the balls for upcoming competitions.

However, the investigation revealed that some individuals involved in the tampering experiment did break USBC Collegiate rules. As a result, three athletes from Webber International have been banned from competing in the 2025 USBC Collegiate postseason. Additionally, a member of the coaching staff has been placed on probation.

USBC has stated that further disciplinary actions are being considered for those involved in potential violations of USBC’s playing rules. They have also made the investigation report available to the public for more transparency.

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