Alongside his bowling career, Martin Larsen is now stepping into the business side of the sport. 45-year-old Swede has joined the Bowltech Group as Head of Aftermarket & Consumer Sales in Scandinavia.
He will also manage daily operations at Bowltech’s location in Borås, Sweden.
Bowltech had been interested in bringing him on board for several years. However, Larsen waited until he felt fully ready to take on this new role, and that moment came in 2025. Speaking to Erikas Jansonas of BowlingLife, he shared his thoughts on the move.
"I’ve had an ongoing discussion with Bowltech for a couple years, Claus Roed has been pretty clear that he likes to see me at Bowltech," Martin Larsen said. "Now I felt ready and we’ve made deal that makes it possible for me to slowly transition in to this role without giving away my possibilities to compete and organize tournaments! I feel this is a great chance for me to keep working with the game I love as well as some of the best companies that I’ve learned to know over the years!"
Martin Larsen is a well-known professional bowler with years of experience at the highest level. Since 2017, he has been one of the key organizers of the Storm Lucky Larsen Masters, the only tournament outside the USA that awards a PBA national title. He has organized this event together with Patrick Backe and Daniel Rönnbäck at Olympia Bowling, Helsingborg.
This year, 2025 Storm Lucky Larsen Masters will take place on August 22-31. Visit Tournaments | BowlingLife to find out more.