Martin Larsen, hailing from Sweden, currently holds the top position in the Bwoling Pro-Motion Tour 2023 QubicaAMF Masters standings.
In the bowling tournament in France, that takes players and spectators on a thrilling journey to four incredible bowling centers located in different cities, Larsen achieved impressive scores of 1295 in Bayeux, 1423 in Rennes, and 1413 in Fontaine le Comte, accumulating a grand total of 4131 pins, averaging 229.50.
Jaime Gonzalez of Colombia is trailing closely in the second position with a score of 3992 and an average of 221.78.
Gregory Rius from France is third after qualification with 3968 total (220.44 avg.).
Full standings afer 18 games of qualifying can be found here.

Following the Saint-Lo and Tours stages of the Teams Strike Tour Series, Team World's, comprising Jack Blyth, Jaime Gonzalez, Halvar Hagen Nilsen, and Keny Billaut, is still in the top position.
During the team stages, the baker system format will be employed, while the remaining days will see traditional competition, featuring a demanding six-game block at each of the designated centers: Bowling 868 Bayeux, Rennes Alma Bowling, Angers, and Fontaine le Comte Sphere Bowling.
The TV Finals are set to kick off on Monday and Tuesday, promising intense bowling action for fans and enthusiasts.